

Well so it begins. The reason i have been sent over her as well as many American soldiers is finally being put to the test. Monday we pulled almost all our forces out of the city and released control to the Iraqi forces. the real test begins. Have the last 4 years our forces spent here been a waste or is it really going to be working self reliant country. Time will tell as the fourth of July approaches we get to see what this country does with its independence. So far things have been about as expected. still alot of Iraq on Iraq violence with the occasionaly indirect fire on us. guess the real test will go with what happens tomorrow. The insurgent forces here have a way of choosing there days well to bring meaning. Why not pick our Independence day for on such attack. course there ways are limited since not many in city. Now we get to play the we arent here game so cover your eyes and pretend not to see us. Good times, good times.

1 comment:

Danie Nicole said...

stay safe over there my love.
i need you back!