
where have we been?

Again this blog has been neglected.  Anyone sensing a theme?
I am now 28 weeks pregnant (which means I am in my third trimester).  We know we are expecting a little girl whose name will be Emberlynn Nicole.  My first baby shower is this Saturday and my other baby shower is August 23rd.  The first baby shower is for close family and friends only and is being thrown by my sister.  The second baby shower is being thrown by a friend at church and will be open to any female in the congregation.
Jesse has found a job but is still looking for better opportunities.  He got a job selling Cutco Knives but things are still super tight.  The TSA job is still a possibility, its just taking awhile to get through the process.
Together, we are doing good.  The money issues bring up a little bit of stress but we are pushing on in hopes of finding solid ground.  I will try to get Jesse to post soon.

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