

this poor blog has been neglected. i guess it deserves an update. jesse made it home safe and sound. so far no issues with reintegration. as far as deployments go, he had it fairly easy with little exposure to combat. its so good to have him home. its weird but good. the weirdest thing is most of the time, i feel like he's been here the whole time. i feel like we picked right up where we left off, but we didn't live together before this deployment. but i thank God for the easy transition back. yes off course there are issues but nothing that i wouldn't consider normal after the ups and downs of this deployment. jesse is still looking for a job (we're almost ninety days post deployment) and is looking forward to getting back into school this fall. there have been two post deployment training sessions since he's been home. of course, jesse is being asked to attend them out of order. he attended session seven back in january. we attended session five together the weekend before last. and we'll attend session six next month. so far they've been pretty good. i'm actually looking forward to this third and final session. the weekend before last was a good break. oh the travel there was super stressful but once we made it, it was good. all in all, life is going good right now. finances are a little rough but i'm sure almost newlyweds go through that kind of phase at some point. hope all of you are doing well.

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